Afghan Families Update / September 14, 2021

Afghan Families are Coming to Greensboro and NGFM is helping in a number of ways. We will be co-sponsoring a family. We will need a group of New Gardeners to love and support them as they begin their new lives in the United States. They will need to have friends who could help them feel welcome in their new home. They will need guidance as they make their way through an unfamiliar land. They need…

Book Review / September 9, 2021

“How to Be An Antiracist” Book Review… On Thursday, September 9 we will continue to review Abram X Kendi’s book, covering chapters 14 and 15, “Gender” and “Sexuality”, respectively. Sara White will be leading us in the discussion. Patricia Gutzwiller will be facilitating the Zoom connection and sending out the invitations. If you have not already been a part of this discussion and wish to join in, contact Patricia at ([email protected]) to receive a Zoom…

Challenging Racism; Truthful Teaching of Our Racial History / September 14, 2021

I wish our country’s history wasn’t tainted with slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, white privilege, etc. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just make those things go away by leaving the ugly part of our history out of school curriculum and never talking about any of that again? There are those in our country who believe we should not teach about racism because it might make our youth unpatriotic or make some feel ashamed of…

Volunteer Opportunity for Voter Registration / September 10-12, 2021

During the upcoming North Carolina Folk Festival in downtown Greensboro (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – September 10 – 12) “YouCanVote” will sponsor a voter registration table and opportunities for volunteers to register people to vote. Volunteers will each sign up for a 2-hour shift, and there is to be 3 – 4 volunteers per shift. Festival hours: Friday – 6:30 – 10:30 pm, Saturday – noon to 10:30 pm, and Sunday – noon – 6:00…

Covid Advisory / August 31, 2021

A called meeting for NGFM was held 8/21/21 to discuss policies and protocols for protecting friends/ Friends from COVID. A summary and review of protocols followed by a number of questions were discussed. Friends were generally supportive of our current course. If COVID cases stay the same, we plan to continue meeting for semi-programmed worship out of doors  until the weather becomes less hospitable. All are also reminded that our COVID subgroup will continue to meet…

Challenging Racism / August 31, 2021

Quakerism is so comfortable for me. I found a warm and welcoming spiritual home among Friends as a young adult and have remained happily in the fold. But for people of color, joining our faith can be a different experience. From an African-American general secretary of Friends General Conference: “. . . I also feel isolated because as I have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. . . I haven’t seen seventy-five black Quakers yet.…

Book Study Continues / August 26, 2021

On Thursday, August 26 at 7 p.m. we will continue with Kendi’s “How to be an Antiracist” book discussion Chapter 13 called “Space.” Our Zoom host will be Mary Stolberg. Janet Inmon will be discussion leader. If you have been participating in this discussion, you will be receiving a Zoom invitation from Mary. If you would like to join us for the first time, you are welcome! It is not necessary for you to have…

Friends Committee on National Legislation Advocacy Team Building Workshop / August 25, 2021

You are invited on Wednesday, 25 August, 6 – 8 p.m. to join a ZOOM meeting to build an FCNL advocacy network in the triad. Register at This 2-hour interactive workshop will train participants how to be more effective grassroots advocates for peace and justice. We will go in-depth on FCNL’s relationship-based style of lobbying, teach skills on storytelling, and best practices on effective communication with Members of Congress. We will explore why the…

Challenging Racism / August 24, 2021

My apologies for abandoning this column for a few weeks. My time and emotional energy have been consumed with being present to and advocating for my severely disabled son as he heals from a broken hip – in a severely short-staffed and poorly resourced rehab center. This experience has given me an insight regarding racism that I want to share. For his entire life I have had to advocate for Jonathan, since he is non-verbal…