N.C. Fellowship of Friends planning fall business agenda / September 9, 2023

The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends program committee is working diligently on our September 9 gathering and is planning to have information available soon. Friends Committee on National Legislation is looking for people from NCFF who may be interested in representing the Fellowship.  If you are interested or have someone in your Meeting who is interested, please have them contact me soon. North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc. will have positions open representing NCFF on its…

Volunteer at New Garden Friends Meeting / May 10, 2023

Not yet on a committee for next year? There’s still time and space to add your name to the list of generous New Gardeners who have signed up to serve in various ways. Here are three committees you might be interestd in: Nominating: Help people find their niche and get connected to a committee(s) of their choice. It is always inspiring to see the many ways New Gardners connect with the meeting and each other.…

ICAN Cities Appeal Supporting the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons / April 25, 2023

It has been almost a year since you graciously and righteously signed on to the attached letter urging Greensboro Council Members to endorse the ICAN Cities Appeal supporting the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This call for mutual nuclear disarmament remains as urgent today, and we have not been idle. The municipalities of Green Level, Carrboro, Durham, Chapel Hill have since unanimously signed on, and the Resolution is or will soon be…

Coffee & Company Volunteers Needed / April 2023

Caf? or de-caf? …pick your potion on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall before meeting! [Note: if you haven’t taken advantage of this time of F/friendly conversation, drop by and say hello] Members of the Coffee Committee take turns putting the pots on, and the more folks who volunteer, the lighter the load. Let the Nominating Committee know if you are willing to lend a hand by sending Sallie Clotfelter an email at [email protected].

Afghan Family News / March 29, 2023

Waseem Shahzad and Shahpeerai (Hena) Aimaq and their four children, with the help of New Garden Friends Meeting and others, are making a successful transfer from Afghanistan to Greensboro. With their capabilities this is really no surprise. Waseem Shahzad was a Telematics Manager for Taktaz Technologies. Hena was director of an international NGO in Kabul promoting women’s personal and professional rights and opportunities. Waseem has landed a job with Lenovo that makes use of his…

New Garden Friends Meeting Greensboro NC

Many Hands Make Light Work / March 20, 2023

“Many hands make light work”: That’s the motto of New Garden’s nominating committee as we begin our annual swing spring into action. So, we’re inviting you to consider how you can lend your hands and talents in support of the programs and activities of the meeting, and enjoy being with other New Gardeners. And … thanks to Zoom, and other new technologies ….most committees meet electronically, so the burden of rushing through dinner and driving…

Dinner to Benefit Earthquake Survivors Raises $3,500 / March 2023

Dear Friends, The turn out in the fundraising lunch has been great. I was told that we raised $2225 in cash and around $3500 in total with checks and digital donations. Thank you all for your collaboration, kindness and generosity for the victims of an earthquake overseas. We’re also thankful to Nazareth Mediterranean/American Cuisine who generously donated the meal today. We’re looking forward to continue collaborating with our Quaker friends in further activities. –– Peace,…