Called Meeting for Discussion of Covid Concerns / August 22, 2021

There will be a Called Meeting for discussion of Covid concerns Sunday, August 22 following Meeting for Worship at 1 p.m. (please note: previous announcement gave start time as “immediately following meeting”) Topics: Covid Advisory Group: Delta variant updates Covid Meeting guidelines Future Meeting for Worship format(s) Zoom invitation is forthcoming Clinton D. Corcoran Presiding Clerk, New Garden Friends Meeting

Covid Advisory Update / August 3, 2021

Cases of COVID and hospitalizations continued to significantly increase in the last week, with the far more infectious Delta variant driving this outbreak. There has been a nine fold increase of cases of COVID in NC since July 1. The state’s positivity rate of COVID tests performed has inched up to 10.6%. Hospitalizations are increased more than threefold since July 1. Vaccination rates inched up with 47% of the NC’s total population and 48% of…

Friends Committee on National Legislation Workshop / August 25, 2021

Join area F/friends in efforts to engage Rep. Manning and Sen. Tillis & Burr in ongoing advocacy efforts. Quakers in the Piedmont area are forming an FCNL Advocacy team! We will be joining several other state-wide teams over the coming year to push for additional efforts to end the endless wars — join us!! There is power in numbers. Join an interactive virtual workshop with FCNL staff & area Friends on Wednesday, August 25, 6…

Challenging Racism / August 3, 2021

Several Quaker organizations – including the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Friends Council on Education, Friends General Conference, and Pendle Hill – have formed a coalition to accelerate the work to end white supremacy among and beyond Friends. The organizations plan to host a community of practice (a group of folks learning and experimenting together) of 80 or so people from throughout the Religious Society of Friends, seeking racial parity and with substantial representation from…

NC Fellowship of Friends News / August 21, 2021

The Annual meeting for North Carolina Fellowship of Friends is August 21, at Quaker Lake. All New Gardeners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Worship sharing and workshops will be included, in addition to a business session. >>>>>> New Info as of August Due to the rise in Covid cases, NCFF will again be held virtually. If you would like to participate, please register at: and a Zoom link will be sent to you.…

Addressing the Climate Crisis with Dale Evarts / August 1, 2021

Charlotte Friends Meeting invites you to a virtual forum addressing the Climate Crisis: to bring hope and unity to Friends. with presenter is Dale Evarts (from Durham Friends Meeting) August 1, at 11: 30 a.m. Contact Mary Jo Klingel ([email protected]) to register. The zoom link will be e-mailed to you. Our Presenter is Mr. Evarts, who is a climate and air quality expert and attends Durham Friends Meeting. From 1988 to 2018, he worked for…

Challenging Racism / July 27, 2021

From the New York Public Library African American Desk Reference (1999), and The Melanin Project, another (probably unknown to most of us) fact about an African American who gave us something very useful for our kitchens: Willis Johnson of Cincinnati, Ohio, patented and improved the mechanical (rotary) egg beater (U.S. pat# 292,821) February 5, 1884. (See for more information.) – KHS ([email protected])

Climate & Clean Energy Meeting / July 22, 2021

This Thursday, July 22, New Gardeners, other Friends and allies will deliver a letter to Rep. Manning’s office in downtown Greensboro, calling on Congress to keep climate justice in the forefront as they draft infrastructure legislation and vote this summer. This resets the time for our visit from last week when Rep. Manning’s office was closed. Come join with us to push for clean energy, modernizing the electric grid, electrified transportation, and clean water investments.…

FWCC Executive Committee Meeting and News / July 2021

Friends World Committee for Consultation will hold its Executive Committee Meeting at New Garden Friends Meeting (October 13-17). New Garden meeting was to host this meeting in the fall of 2020, but the in-person meeting was cancelled due to the virus. The committee is composed of approximately 16 members. These members will need housing, meals, and transportation during their stay. Customarily, host families provide breakfast and transportation to and from the Meetinghouse. Given Covid restrictions…

Covid Advisory Update / July 20, 2021

Cases of COVID and hospitalizations continued to significantly increase in the last week, believed to be due to the more infectious Delta variant. According to the Greensboro News and Record Tuesday morning, the portion of people tested for the virus who were found to be positive jumped to 5.8%, above the 5% benchmark at which the virus is thought to be contained. Vaccination rates increased only slightly last week with 46% of the NC’s total…