9 a.m. Sunday unprogrammed Meeting for Worship
Friends settle into silence in the Worship Room. If anyone feels led by the Inward Spirit, they may share a brief message. The gathered community practices listening attentively and respectfully. The community allows silence to return after a message is shared and awaits the next spoken message to break the silence. Sometimes the most meaningful Meetings for Worship are those when the silence is unbroken.
11 a.m. Sunday semi-programmed Meeting for Worship
Friends gather in the Worship Room, where the pastoral minister opens Meeting for Worship with a greeting. Announcements are next, followed by singing a communal hymn. Next is a reading, sometimes from the Bible and sometimes from another inspirational source. The New Garden choir may sing, or there may be special music by members of the congregation or a guest. Ushers take up an offering, and after a brief period of settling silence, the pastoral minister or a guest speaker will share a prepared message. The last 20 to 30 minutes of the 11 a.m. service is silent waiting worship.
Listen to previous prepared messages (sermons) on the Media page.