Equity Calendar / March 2022

March is Women’s History Month; March 2 – 1889 Sioux Act reduced Reservation to present size March 2 – Read Across America Day March 8 – International Women’s Day March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day March 21 – International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 22 – World Water Day

Challenging Racism / March 2, 2022

On June 29, 2021 I shared in this space that it seemed appropriate to me to capitalize both Black and White in our writing. My reasoning was that it is so easy to have White be the default race, and to have the words parallel was a reminder that all are equal. I am looking at this again. Our own Friends Journal capitalizes both. But the pamphlet by Harold D. Weaver, Jr. that New Garden…

Challenging Racism / February 23, 2022

My husband Roger and I toured Savannah last week and learned something interesting – that James Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, was opposed to slavery in the colony, and in 1735 it was prohibited by law. By the late 1740s the settlers were complaining that they could not make enough money without the help of enslaved Africans (who the settlers said were “far more able than Europeans to cope with the climatic conditions of the South”),…

Adult Forum / February 27, 2022

9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m. / Forum meets on Zoom: Check your email for a Zoom link, or contact [email protected] to receive a link. We look forward to seeing you online. February 27 & March 6 / The New Garden Friends Meeting Anti-Racism Committee sent Meeting members and attenders the Pendle Hill pamphlet, “Race, Systemic Violence, and Retrospective Justice: An African American Quaker Scholar- Activist Challenges Conventional Narratives” by Harold D. Weaver Jr. It was requested that all New…

Refugee Support Update / February 15, 2022

We have been providing “complete household setups” for quite a few Afghan families and groups of men who don’t have the support of co-sponsors. This means we pack everything they need for their new home, like kitchen items, bathroom necessities, bed linens, along with mattresses and furniture. Movers come to New Garden Friends Meeting, load everything and then set up the apartment or house for our new community members. If we don’t have an item,…

Challenging Racism / February 15, 2022

Friends, the link in last week’s newsletter was incorrect, so I hope you will try again to look at the Underground Railroad website: https://library.guilford.edu/undergroundrr and think about how we personally might have “challenged racism” with regard to slavery in the 19th century. Some New Gardeners, like Levi & Vestal Coffin, worked directly with the Underground Railroad. Others joined the Manumission Society. Vestal Coffin, Enoch Macy and George Swain helped to free Benjamin Benson – the…

Friends Committee on National Legislation is Hosting Documentary / February 17, 2022

Friends Committee on National Legislation is hosting a virtual showing of the Academy Award nominated documentary Hunger Ward, an up-close and powerful look at the human-caused famine in Yemen. The showing will be February 17 from 7:30 – 9 p.m. and will be followed by a panel discussion and a call to action to lobby Congress to end U.S. support for the war and blockade in Yemen. Get info and register at: https://www.fcnl.org/events/hunger-ward-yemen-film-screening-and-panel-discussion Your fellow…

Adult Forum / February 20, 2022

9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m. / Forum meets on Zoom: Check your email for a Zoom link, or contact [email protected] to receive a link. We look forward to seeing you online. Friends Committee on National Legislation – Legislative Priorities Discussion – Sunday, February 20: Dot Mason ad Lizzie Biddle will continue to facilitate our FCNL Legislative Priorities Discussion. This week we will narrow our list down to our top 5-6 priorities. Legislative Priorities Since the early days of the Religious…

Challenging Racism / February 10, 2022

Many of us have walked the trail to the Underground Railroad Tree in the Guilford College Woods. Some have also explored the website about 19th century local Underground Railroad activities tour. I invite all to visit this site, which contains information about the tree, URR history and stories. There is even an online curriculum, the introduction to which is worth sharing here: The Underground Railroad Tree invites us to consider the question, “Do we seek to…