First Day at New Garden Friends Meeting / August 6, 2023

Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship / 9:00 a.m. Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / 11:00 a.m.* • Worshipful Music: • Welcome: • Announcements: • Congregational Hymn • Reading: • Special Music • Message: • Silent Worship • Holding in the Light * Friends are also welcome to join the service online either through Facebook Live (view only) or on Zoom. Noon: Carry-in meal, Fellowship Hall. 1 p.m. – Monthly Meeting for Business (hybrid), Worship Room  

N.C. Fellowship of Friends planning fall business agenda / September 9, 2023

The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends program committee is working diligently on our September 9 gathering and is planning to have information available soon. Friends Committee on National Legislation is looking for people from NCFF who may be interested in representing the Fellowship.  If you are interested or have someone in your Meeting who is interested, please have them contact me soon. North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc. will have positions open representing NCFF on its…

Broader Concerns Small Grants from Peace & Social Concerns / June 6, 2023

The Committee awarded two small grants on behalf of New Garden. The first, an award of $500.00 was to The Almond Connection, a non-profit that aids qualifying felons in re-entering society. The money we donated is specifically being used for materials needed at a free clinic to explain North Carolina’s expungement laws. The second award, also in the amount of $500.00 has gone to “Fred Cox’s Life Matters.” We are supporting a movement composed of…

Report from Nominating Committee / June 6, 2023

“We’ve done it again!” New Gardeners have heard the call and stepped up to serve on the many committees that make us the wonderful meeting we are. On Sunday, June 4, Monthly Meeting approved a slate presented by the Nominating Committee. Now it’s official! Go to the New Garden website, click on the blue content bar at the top of the screen and click, again, on News. Scrolling down you’ll find New Garden Committees. And…

Support the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons / June 6, 2023

The ICAN Campaign to get local councils to support the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons supported by New Garden Friends is gearing up in Greensboro, and we need your help in contacting Greensboro City Council members whom you know or have some connection with. We will provide you with a letter that is ready-to-send to your own council member or to any council member whom you may know. (FYI: The mayor has…

New Gift Titles Added to the New Garden Friends Meeting Library / May 24, 2023

• The First Strawberries a Cherokee Story retold by Joseph Bruchac • Muslim Child: Understanding Islam through Stories and Poems by Rukhsana Khan • Follow the Drinking Gourd by Jeanette Winter • George Fox and the Children of the Light by Jonathan Fryer, editor • George Fox and the Quakers by Cecil W. Sharman • The Journal of John Woolman and a Plea for the Poor by John Woolman • The Quakers in America by…