Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / June 12, 2022

11:00 a.m. / Alan Spiewak / Readings: John 6:19-21, Luke 1:26-33, Matthew 28:1-8, Proverbs 29:25 Title: Be Not Afraid Please join our Facebook live stream here or our interactive Zoom session. A link for Zoom will be sent by email, or it can be requested from the Office through Friday. We look forward to seeing you online and also in person at New Garden Friends Meeting. Please observe Ministry & Council guidelines for Covid-safe in person worship.

Meeting on Ministry & Council News / June 6, 2022

This Sunday, June 12, Alan Spiewak will bring a prepared message for semi-programmed Meeting for Worship. Alan is a member of the Meeting on Ministry and Counsel, and a pillar of our Tech Crew. Deborah Suess is continuing to provide pastoral care through June, and all pastoral care needs will be managed during this time of transition. Members of MMC continue to carry the pastor’s work phone. If you know of a pastoral care need,…

Job Opportunity / Office Manager / June 2022

New Garden Friends Meeting is seeking a full-time Office Manager. The Office Manager will function as a receptionist, provide administrative support to the Meeting, and manage payroll and accounts. Familiarity with accounting software is desirable. The position is for 40 hours a week and offers individual health insurance, paid vacation, paid personal and family leave. The Office Manager reports to the Pastoral Minister and to the Clerk of the Stewardship and Finance Committee. The Meeting…

Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / June 5, 2022

11:00 a.m. / Worshipful Music: Michael Greene Welcome: Karen Garraputa Announcements: Karen Garraputa Readings: Selections from Luke, Marcy Reid-Smith Special Music: “We Plow the Field and Scatter the Good Seed on the Land,” from Godspell, (“All Good Gifts”), sung by Marc Alley. Prepared Message: “Plowing Ahead,” Marcy Reid-Smith Waiting Worship Closing Hymn Please join our Facebook live stream here or our interactive Zoom session. A link for Zoom will be sent by email, or it can be…

Pastor Margaret Webb Resigns / June 2022

We have days of change and challenge ahead of us, and we get to not like it. We get to not like letting go of Margaret as our pastor. We get to not like doing things for ourselves that she did for us. There will be lots of chances to live into our faith and practice of Community, and we will find the dedication, compassion and hope for one another and with each another, to…

Equity Calendar / June 2022

(Caribbean American Heritage Month) (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & Questioning History Month)19 Juneteenth (1865) – Months after the Emancipation Proclamation was passed to abolish slavery, enslaved people in Texas are informed by Union soldiers that they are free. 20 Juneteenth observed 20 World Refugee Day 28 LGBTQ Pride Day – submitted by NG AntiRacism Working Group

Challenging Racism / June 2, 2022

All I can think of this week is how distressing the latest mass shooting in the Uvalde, Texas elementary school is. Gun violence is another systemic American issue that is way too often entangled with racism. . . Leonard Pitts wrote an excellent column (see below) that speaks better than I can to all of this. My belief is that Thoughts and Prayers + Action can bring about badly needed change. – KHS Who Will…