Adult Forum / “Resisting Empire: The Book of Revelation as Resistance” with Wes Daniels / January 5

9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. / Parlor /  “Resisting Empire: The Book of Revelation as Resistance” is about the book of Revelation in the New Testament, the one so often used to predict terror, the end of the world, and wild conspiracy theories. It offers a different way into understanding what Revelation is about. If you’re someone who has avoided this book, had it used against you, or are interested in a liberation theology reading…

Speaking Through Quilts with Valerie Paterson / Dec. 22

While we most commonly think of the love that quilts create, they are also an avenue of expression. This can range from frustration and anger to admiration and joy, honoring a person to presenting social issues. As part of the exhibit A Better World: Heroes working for the greater good ( which includes quilts and essays, we will look at Valerie’s quilt “Hell and Hope” as well as samples from international quilt exhibits.