Meeting for Worship / Aug. 16

Sunday 11 a.m. Meeting for Worship livestream on Facebook Live: Prepared messages are posted at: Sunday, August 16 – Speaker: Karin Heller “Summer Program 2020/Activism: Because the World Won’t Change Itself” “We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers.”-Bayard Rustin “It is good people who make good places.” ― Anna Sewell, Black Beauty.

New Garden Friends Meeting Greensboro NC

Monthly Meeting for Business / July 5th

Greetings Friends, I hope you are all faring as well as can be expected in this strange time that we are experiencing. I want to invite you all to Monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business this First Day (Sunday) July 5 beginning at 1 p.m. Several items will be discussed, including the following: 1) Solar+ Energy is ready to seek approval moving into the next steps for installing solar panels. I believe the…

Upcoming Zoom Adult Forums / June 28 – July 26

Friends, starting June 28, the Peace and Social Concerns Committee will facilitate a five-week long book discussion of Parker Palmer’s, Healing the Heart of Democracy during Adult Forum. If you would like to participate, you can purchase the book most places online. Zoom links will be sent out via email with the Religious Education Updates and Information. If you would like to receive these updates and are not currently receiving RE information by email from…