Meeting for Worship / February 7, 2021

Sunday 11 a.m. / Meeting for Worship livestream: Facebook Live: Prepared messages are posted at: Order of Worship Welcome Announcement Reading: Genesis 1:26-31 Solar Panel Blessing Special Music: “The Lord is My Light” from Songs and Prayers of Taize. Kate Seel, vocal Message: Our Sacred Connection to Nature

New Garden Friends Meeting Interest Groups

Seekers Class; Starting February 7, 2021

Seekers classes are set to take place by Zoom on Sunday afternoons February 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. These classes are a wonderful opportunity for newcomers and long-time members to learn more about Quakerism and New Garden Friends Meeting. We will cover the basics of Quaker history, Quaker faith, Quaker community practices and business practices and variations among different branches of Quakers. If you are interested in participating in Seekers…

Adult Forum / January 31, 2021

Earlier this month, we experienced an attack on the Capitol, our democracy, and our community. As we regroup and move forward together, Friends Committee on National Legislation invites you to attend the January Quaker Changemaker Event: “Strengthening Quaker Community.” Moderated by FCNL’s director of Quaker leadership, Alicia McBride, this discussion is sure to spark deep reflections and new ideas Event: “Strengthening Quaker Community”, on Wednesday, January 27, 6:30 p.m. EST. Moderated by FCNL’s director of…

Young Friends / January 31, 2021

Young Friends (*5-6 p.m.):This Sunday we will be joined by David Pudlo, a New Gardener who has traveled across the United States by bike!  David will join us for a conversation about the wheels that keep everyday creativity, Quakerism, and Quaker Creativity turning. We will meet for fellowship at 5pm this Sunday January 31st which will be our last evening meeting for the foreseeable future.  Given the continued success of a 12:30 meeting time, Young…

New Ideas Gathering / January 24, 2021

1 p.m. January 24, 2021 / Do you have an idea that you want to bring forward to the New Garden Friends Meeting community but are not sure who to approach or how to bring it up? The New Ideas Group invites you to share ideas that you may have for our Meeting community. Our first quarterly gathering of 2021 will take place on Zoom. All New Gardeners are welcome to attend. An email with…

You are Invited / January 24, 2021

You are invited to a ZOOM forum: “Radical Acting in Faith for White People: What We Have Learned.” Charlotte Friends Meeting and Quaker Earthcare Witness invite you to a Zoom forum on Radical Acting in Faith for White People on Sunday, January 24, 11:30 a.m – 1 p.m. The leaders of the forum will be Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) members who attended the American Friends Service Committee course on the connection between the domination and…