Quaker Action for a Just World: 2022 AFSC Corporation Program / April 2022

Join American Friends Service Committee for a virtual gathering of Friends to discuss what we can do to build a vision of a renewed world. How can we overcome oppression, turn back from further climate injustice, and build a world that is more sustainable, just, and peaceful? Join us for a panel of Quaker climate activists, workshops on key peace and justice issues, and a keynote speech from Winona LaDuke as a part of AFSC’s…

North Carolina Fellowship of Friends Virtual Spring Meeting / March 19, 2022

NCFF Virtual Spring Meeting on Saturday, March 19. All New Gardeners are cordially invited to attend the virtual North Carolina Fellowship of Friends Spring Meeting on Saturday, March 19 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. If you are not on Clerk Richard Wilcox’s email list and would like a link to register, or simply have questions about the meeting, please contact Kate Seel. Hope to see many Friends there!  

New Garden Friends Cemetery

Cemetery Tour / March 16, 2022

Cemetery Tour on the Day after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse Anniversary There will be a Cemetery Tour on the Day after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse Anniversary at the New Garden Friends graveyard at 11 a.m. on Fourth-day, the 16th, to commemorate the work of New Garden Friends on March 16, 1781 to care for the wounded and dead resulting from the Battle of New Garden (preceding the Battle of Guilford Courthouse) the day…

Greensboro EarthQuakers / March 17, 2022

March 17, 2022, 7 – 8 p.m. / Help Greensboro Earth Quakers Plan Actions for 2022. This Thursday, Greensboro Earth Quakers hosts a virtual meeting to discuss direct action plans and possibilities for 2022. Come help plan for a meeting for worship outside the Guilford County Board of Education to hold board members in the Light . Walter Hjelt-Sullivan of Philadelphia-based Earth Quaker Action Team will tell how EQAT organizes its non-violent direct actions and…

Update from the COVID Medical Advisory Group / March 16, 2022

Daily case positivity (the number of positive tests of all the test results reported not including in-home tests) for the state of NC has again decreased significantly in the last week to 2.6 %, about half of the previously used statewide goal. The 14-day average case positivity for Guilford County is now 3.5 %.  The number of COVID hospitalizations has stabilized at a much lower number (854 in the state, 52 at Cone Hospital as of…

Challenging Racism / March 16, 2022

Of course we are all deeply distressed about the horrors taking place in Ukraine at the hands of Vladimir Putin. And wondering how our country and its allies can most effectively stop the death, destruction and severe trauma there. A friend of mine recently acknowledged this, and also boldly noted that white people have been acculturated to be more concerned, engaged and truly incensed about atrocities taking place against lighter skinned people such as Europeans…

Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / March 20, 2022

11:00 a.m. / Please join our Facebook live stream here or our interactive Zoom session. A link for Zoom will be sent by email, or it can be requested from the Office through Friday. We look forward to seeing you online and also in person this First Sunday. Reading: “A Blessing Called Sanctuary” by Jan Richardson Message Title: We are New Garden Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship livestream: Facebook Live: http://www.facebook.com/NewGardenFriendsMeeting Meeting for Worship on Zoom: Check your…

Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship / March 20, 2022

9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. / Those attending unprogrammed meetings for worship on Sundays are welcome to use Friendship Hall. Please follow the guidance below; Stay home if you have any symptoms of illness. Meet outdoors, if feasible, regardless of group size; please bring your own chairs. Reserve meeting room(s) in advance by calling the NGFM office at (336) 292-5487 or emailing [email protected] ; note the capacity of room(s) you will be using and do not exceed maximum…

Adult Forum / March 20, 2022

March 20 / Adult Forum 9:30-10:30 a.m. / A Simple Gesture with Leslie Isakoff. Friends are reminded that Adult Forum will continue to take place on Zoom only until further notice. The link will be included in Religious Education Updates. If you do not receive Religious Ed Updates weekly and would like to, please contact Karin Heller.

News from the Religious Education Department / March 16, 2022

Mark your Calendars for Movie Night ! Join us March 26, 5-7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for a movie and conversation. The movie is rated PG and should be appropriate for most children. Covid protocol will be followed. For more information, please contact Karin Heller. A Community Project! The Religious Education Committee has begun work on an exciting project and we want your input! We are creating a reusable calendar for New Garden families. Each…