Mark your Calendars for Movie Night !
Join us March 26, 5-7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for a movie and conversation. The movie is rated PG and should be appropriate for most children. Covid protocol will be followed. For more information, please contact Karin Heller.
A Community Project!
The Religious Education Committee has begun work on an exciting project and we want your input! We are creating a reusable calendar for New Garden families. Each month will have a different theme, spotlight on a notable Friend (past and/ or present), and weekly queries and activities.
Some themes we’ve considered are: committee work, business practices, ideas/images of God, peace, equality, worship, care for the Earth, integrity, simplicity, and Quaker youth. What are some themes that you might enjoy learning more about? Who are some notable Friends that you would like to see highlighted? Share theme ideas by Friday, March 18th. Email Karin Heller.
First Day Childcare
Are you planning to join us on Sunday with a child/children? Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under in the nursery beginning at 10:30 a.m. Because this age group is currently not eligible for the vaccine, we ask that families enter the building through the porch door (next to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall) and take their children directly to the nursery. The capacity in the nursery is currently 7 people. Those who intend to use childcare are asked to register in advance so that we can ensure there will be space. Email Karin Heller for registration. Children 5 and older are invited to sit with their grown ups. Activity packets and crayons will be made available.
Adult Forum
- March 20: A Simple Gesture/Leslie Isakoff
- March 27 and April 3: Anti-racism Committee/more details next week.
Friends are reminded that Adult Forum will continue to take place on Zoom until further notice. Links are included in Religious Education Updates. Email Karin Heller is you would like to receive them.