Valentine Care Packages for Students / January 26

It’s time to begin preparing Valentine care packages to send to our younger Friends who are studying away from home (and yes, this includes abroad!). If you would like to have a care package sent to your boarding school student and/or college student (undergraduate or graduate), please see the time-line below. Packages will again be prepared for the Guilford College’s Quaker Interfaith Members. Please email Karin Heller the following information (by Saturday, January 18): (1)…

Friends United Meeting “Living Letters” Service Learning Trip to Palestine and Israel / Summer 2020

Jane and Max Carter will lead the 2020 summer Friends United Meeting “Living Letters” trip to Palestine and Israel, with special programming related to Max’s 50th anniversary of first going to Palestine to teach at the Ramallah Friends School. Tentatively scheduled for June 10 – 30, the program will include voluntary service at the Friends School, visits to religious and historical sites throughout the region, worship with Ramallah Friends, frequent speakers representing the spectrum of…

Ways to Give During the Christmas Season

Every year Margaret takes a group of New Gardeners to a local Wal-mart and we anonymously pay off several families’ Christmas gift layaways. If you would like to be part of this lovely gift to our wider community, feel free to donate money (if you write a check, make sure you mark it “for Christmas layaway”) or join us on our trip to Walmart on Sunday, December 8 at 1 p.m. Every year members of…

Calling All Crafters / Dec. 9

7:00 p.m. / Parlor / Are you interested in doing small projects with other crafters at New Garden? A small group has met a couple of times and we are planning to meet on Monday, December 9 at 7 p.m. in the parlor. We are going to be making some blankets for dogs and cats in the local shelters. We will be using fleece and/or cotton fabrics that are machine washable and dry-able. If you…

Volunteer Actors Needed for the Hallowe’en Graveyard Tour / Deadline October 11

Max Carter is expecting 75-100 people for the 8:00 p.m. lantern tour of the New Garden graveyard on Hallowe’en night, and would like to treat them to living “interpreters” of some of the fascinating people residing in our cemetery. Script will be provided. Contact Max Carter if you are interested (before October 11) at 336-292-7316 or email at [email protected]).