All Are Welcome at Committee Meeting to Consider Future Messages for Street Side Sign / May 15, 2023

The Communications Committee will meet at 2 p.m. Monday, May 15, in the Brotherhood Room to consider messages that may one day be mounted on the sign facing New Garden Road. The sign’s Black Lives Matter message has been in place since the sign was erected in 2020. All members and attenders are welcome at this meeting to offer suggestions for future wording. The sign was designed so that the two-sided message board could be…

Notes from Pastor Ashley / May 10, 2023

Dear Friends, One of the joys of being the interim pastor of New Garden Friends Meeting is getting to work with our incredible, hardworking staff. Did you know that we currently have nine people on staff? The meeting employs three people full time and six other part time. A few weeks ago, I highlighted the work of our visitation pastor, Deborah Suess, and today I want to lift up the work of others on the…

Ministry and Council Welcomes Newcomers on Zoom / Starting May 14, 2023

Meeting for Ministry and Counsel is working to extend welcome and support to our Zoom participants, as we do for worshipers in the Meetinghouse. At the rise of our hybrid, semi-programmed Meeting for Worship, Friends and visitors are welcome to stay online and visit with a member of Ministry and Counsel. It’s a chance for our Meeting to welcome and answer the questions of newcomers and people who have questions about the Meeting or Quakers…

Musical Praise and Worship Experience / May 20, 2023

On behalf of the leadership here at Persimmon Grove AME Church, we want to take this opportunity to invite you to our Mass Choir’s Musical Praise & Worship Experience on Saturday, May 20th at 6:30 p.m. We are blessed to have the very talented, Reginald Gillespie, as our guest musician. We also have invited special guests to join in. These have certainly been challenging times of late, but there is nothing quite like the power…

Challenging Racism / May 10, 2023

Being nonracist will not change our current situation of racism. It may make you feel like you’re a good person. But it, once again, reinforces racism. There is no action in being non-racist. You may be conscious of not saying racist statements and you yourself may feel like you are making a difference by sharing a quote from an African poet on social media. The reality is: inaction will do nothing other than maintain the…

Rally Saturday Will Protest Treatment of Migrant Children / May 13, 2023

Dear Friends, It is our belief that our communities are to welcome everyone and are sanctuaries to many people in various stages of their migration journey. We believe that migrants deserve to be treated with dignity, and that children in particular need to be extended care and compassion. Migrant children who arrive in the United States without a parent or legal guardian are currently required by law to be transferred to the custody of the…

Volunteer at New Garden Friends Meeting / May 10, 2023

Not yet on a committee for next year? There’s still time and space to add your name to the list of generous New Gardeners who have signed up to serve in various ways. Here are three committees you might be interestd in: Nominating: Help people find their niche and get connected to a committee(s) of their choice. It is always inspiring to see the many ways New Gardners connect with the meeting and each other.…

Religious Education / May 10, 2023

Dear Friends, As many of you may know, it has been our tradition at New Garden Friends Meeting to dedicate children to our community on both Mother’s and Father’s day. If you are interested in having your child dedicated next First Day, please email me ASAP so that we can make arrangements to do so. Recognition Sunday is also in May. This is an opportunity for us to recognize some of our dedicated community volunteers,…

First Day at New Garden Friends Meeting / May 14, 2023

Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship / 9:00 a.m. Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / 11:00 a.m.* • Worshipful Music: Andy Mock • Welcome: Ashley Wilcox • Announcements: Karen Garraputa • Congregational Hymn • Reading: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 • Special Music • Message: Creating Wisdom, Ashley Wilcox • Silent Worship • Holding in the Light * Friends are also welcome to join the service online either through Facebook Live (view only) or on Zoom.