Notes from Pastor Ashley / April 05, 2023

Dear Friends, As I write this from my office in the meeting, I can see the new leaves on the trees outside my window. These signs of spring are so hopeful, even as the weather continues to go from warm to cold again. It is a time of year for new life and new beginnings, which we see in the Easter story and in the changing of the seasons. I am also grateful for the…

Easter Meeting for Worship / April 9, 2023

As has become a New Garden tradition, friends are welcomed and encouraged to bring flowers to the meeting room to celebrate the renewal that Easter signifies. Tables with vases of water will be set up in the front of the meeting room, so plan to bring flowers- they can be simple, from your garden, the farmers market, the roadside, your neighbor’s yard, wherever. Flowers can be taken home with you at the rise of meeting.

Challenging Racism / April 5, 2023

A great way to share your commitment to becoming antiracist is to give a child on your gift list a book written by or illustrated by an African American. There are countless ways of selecting such a book, but one good starting place is checking out the Coretta Scott King Book Award. This is an annual recognition by the American Library Association of outstanding children’s books. When I Googled this award, I recognized a book…

Blanket Donations to the New Arrivals Institute / Final Tally March 2023

The Peace and Social Concerns Committee is happy to report we have provided warm comfort to many New Arrivals at the New Arrivals Institute (NAI) over the past few months of winter. The Meeting has donated 19 blankets to the New Arrival Institute for use to those needing the blankets to brave the cold winter days. This shows our warm commitment to New Arrivals Institute and warm hearts. This has been noted by Lynn Thompson,…

What is the Significance of Ramadan / April 05, 2023

Ramadan is a period of fasting and spiritual growth. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Able-bodied Muslims are expected to abstain from eating, drinking and sexual relations from dawn to sunset each day of the month. By abstaining from things that people tend to take for granted (such as water), it is believed, one may be moved to reflect on the purpose of life and grow closer to the creator and sustainer…

Iftar Dinner Provided by Divan Center at NGFM / Friday, April 7

Friday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. the Divan Center will host a fast breaking (iftar) dinner at New Garden Meeting. Please RVSP to Valerie by end of day Wednesday, April 5th at (336) 292-5487 if you intend to come so we can provide the Divan Center with a rough headcount. The schedule is as follows: 6:30pm-7:00pm Setup 7:00pm-7:15pm Presentation on fasting and Ramadan 7:15pm-7:30pm Q&A session 7:30pm food service starts 7:48pm-9:00pm Fast breaking and dinner…

Religious Education / April 5, 2023

Dear Friends, It will likely come as no surprise to all of you that I spend quite a bit of time thinking about our community. Religious Education Ministry certainly comes with its share of tasks, events, and meetings. But it is also learning, connecting, spiritual exploration, growth and discernment. A substantial amount of that exploration and growth comes from being in community, and sharing stories with all of you. Story sharing is powerful. Knowing one…

First Day at New Garden Friends Meeting / April 09, 2023

Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship / 9:00 a.m. Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship / 11:00 a.m.* • Worshipful Music: Andy Mock • Welcome: Ashley Wilcox • Announcements: Karen Garraputa • Congregational Hymn • Message: God with Us, Ashley Wilcox • Silent Worship • Holding in the Light Friends are also welcome to join the service online either through Facebook Live (view only) or on Zoom.