Last year New Gardeners generously supported Greensboro Urban Ministries food pantry with donations totaling $2,372.00. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee has challenged the congregation to top last year’s giving, but so far has only collected $200.00. We can still do this! Between now and June 30, please;
- Write a check to: “Greensboro Urban Ministries”, and indicate in the memo “for food pantry”. Mail check to 801 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410, so our Business Manager, Sharon, can record the amount and forward to Greensboro Urban Ministries.
- or contribute online on New Garden Friends Meeting website, indicating that it is for “Greensboro Urban Ministry food pantry.”
Thanks so much! We hope by fall Greensboro Urban Ministries can go back to collecting groceries at grocery stores.
Needed: Participants for Monthly Meal for Homeless
On the 1st Tuesday of each month, New Gardeners serve a meal at Greensboro Urban Ministries’ Weaver House, a shelter for homeless adults. The meal consists of “Cowboy Stew”, a turkey ham sandwich with condiments, assorted home-baked desserts, and iced tea. We need a few more stew preparers and servers. We have a simple recipe we can provide. If you would be interested in becoming a stew preparer and/or serving in person with us, or would like more information, please call Janet Inmon at 336-430-7804.