Thanks to all who participated in the playground work day. We got a lot done, and there was great camaraderie as we prepared for the time that the youngest of our community can play on the meeting grounds.
A big thank you to: Clint Corcoran, Caroline McAlister, Abby Corcoran, Allie Corcoran, Andy & Jeffrey Haile, Nikki Baker, Tim Lindeman, Nancy Walker, John Coffman, Teresa Wagoner, Seth Dickinson, John Kepchar, John Bartlett, Bill & Cathy Hamilton, Carol Cothern,, Linda Maynard, Fred Wilson, Pat Adelberger, Roger Seel, Max & Jane Carter
Please forgive if I’ve left anyone out. New Garden Meeting appreciates all of you!—
Judy Haughee-Bartlett for the Religious Ed Committee