Adult Forum / September 4
There will be open fellowship and discussion this week.
Adult Forum remains on Zoom for the time-being. Email Karin Heller if you would like to receive Religious Education Updates and/or Zoom links.
Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship
All children are invited and encouraged to join us for Meeting for Worship. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room.
Childcare is available for children 0-4 years of age beginning at 10:30 a.m. until the rise of Meeting for Worship. Please contact Karin Heller if you plan to use childcare to ensure coverage. [email protected]
A greeter/member of the Religious Education Committee will be in the foyer outside the Worship room to direct newcomers and visitors with childcare needs. Look for a brightly colored name tag.
Volunteers Needed!
The Religious Education committee is preparing to launch programming for the upcoming season and we need YOUR help!
We are looking for Adult Forum facilitators, childcare volunteers, and Friends who are interested in learning more about Godly Play and Faith and Play for our Intergenerational First Day School.
Volunteers can register in advance for “Introduction to Faith & Play and Godly Play” with First Friends Meeting and New Garden Friends Meeting.
Contact Karin Heller for more information.
[email protected]