Adult Forum *Now 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. on Zoom only. Join us as we continue our oral readings and discussion from the book, “Faithful Voices: Oral Readings Exploring Beliefs in Action”.
On November 21, the Forum class will discuss the current selection for our whole city to read a book together: THERE THERE by Tommy Orange. This award-winning novel is about what life is like for Native Americans who live in cities, having moved from tribal reservations. We will have two guest facilitators trained by the Public Library to lead our discussion that day. You may pick up a copy of THERE THERE in the connector at the Meeting house. Please be sure to sign it out on the form included in the box, and return it to the same place after the discussion on November 21. For more information, contact CH Holcombe or Karin Heller.
For those interested in learning more about the book and author, author Tommy Orange will be in Greensboro at the the Coliseum on November 18. Please check the public library website for additional information.