You’re Invited! We will hold our Annual Easter Egg Hunt in the New Garden Friends Meeting Cemetery on Easter Sunday at the rise of 11 a.m. semi-programmed Meeting for Worship! Children are invited to bring a bag or basket and join the fun. All participants should remain masked, maintain appropriate social distance, and stay with their pods/family groups.
Childcare on Sunday Morning; Are you planning to attend in-person, Semi-programmed Meeting for Worship with a child/ children this week? Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under in the nursery beginning at 10:30 a.m.. Because this age group is currently not eligible for the vaccine, we ask that families enter the building through the porch door (next to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall) and take their children directly to the nursery. The capacity in the nursery is currently 7 people. We ask that those who intend to use childcare register in advance so that we can ensure there will be space. Please email me to register. Children 5 and older are invited to sit with their grown ups during Meeting for Worship. Activity packets and crayons will be made available. Young Friends (Youth in grades 5-12)
*We had a great time at our Tie Dying Extravanza this week!
This Sunday is Easter. Young Friends are invited to (quietly) meet on the benches outside the meeting room at 11:30 a.m. to help the Easter Bunny hide eggs for the Easter Egg hunt at the rise of Meeting for Worship. The following Saturday is National Picnic Day. Young Friends are invited to pack a picnic lunch/dinner (linner?) and join us on the front lawn for an outdoor, socially distanced picnic together Sunday, April 24th, at 3:15 p.m.
Adult Forum April 17 (Easter): Open Forum/This will be a relaxed time for fellowship and conversation. Friends are reminded that Adult Forum will continue to take place on Zoom until further notice. Links are included in Religious Education Updates. Email Karin Heller if you would like to receive them.