Recognition Sunday will take place on Sunday, May 22 during 11 a.m. semi-programmed Meeting for Worship. Do you know a rising 2nd grader, 4th grader, or graduating Senior that you would like to see recognized? If so, please contact Karin Heller. For graduating high school seniors, please include the student’s name, high school, and plans for next year in your email.
Summer Program / Mark your Calendars! Summer Program is set for June 13-17, 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. This week long, cooperative program takes on a different theme each year. Participants engage in a number of activities centered around that theme. Activities include short lessons, crafts, music, and outdoor games. This year, our theme is 350 Years of Quakers in North Carolina! We hope Friends of all ages will join us as participants and/or volunteers for this wonderful week of learning, fun, and fellowship. Contact Karin Heller for registration forms. * Activities will take place both indoors and outdoors. Covid safety protocol (including masking) will be followed.
Childcare on Sunday Morning / Are you planning to attend in-person, semi- programmed Meeting for Worship with a child/children this week? Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under in the nursery beginning at 10:30 a.m. Because this age group is currently not eligible for the vaccine, we ask that families enter the building through the porch door (next to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall) and take their children directly to the nursery. The capacity in the nursery is currently 7 people. We ask that those who intend to use childcare register in advance so that we can ensure there will be space. Please email me to register. Children 5 and older are invited to sit with their grown ups during Meeting for Worship. Activity packets and crayons will be made available.
Adult Forum May 8 / This week, Friends were invited to bring one or a few of their favorite poems, blessings, or children’s books to share. We took turns reading them aloud, sharing, and discussing. It went so well, we decided to continue with the same next week. Join us!
May 15 / Friends Committee on North Carolina Legislation priorities for 2022-2024
Friends are reminded that Adult Forum will continue to take place on Zoom only until further notice. Links are sent out weekly with Religious Education Updates. For more information about Religious Education programming, or to be added to the RE Updates email list, contact Karin Heller.