Summer Program
Summer Program is next week, June 27 – July 1, 2022 / 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Join us for a fun week of time travel through 350 years of Quakers in North Carolina! We’ll make our own time machines, learn about important people and events, visit the Mendenhall Home Place, and explore the grounds of Guilford College. And of course, Summer Program would
be incomplete without Water Day on Friday! *All Covid protocol, including masking, will be followed.
Contact Karin Heller for registration forms. [email protected]
*Activities will take place both indoors and outdoors. Covid safety protocol (including masking) will be followed.
Young Friends (Grades 5-12)
Young Friends will meet on Sunday at 3:15 p.m. for some fellowship, games, and planning.
Childcare on Sunday Morning
Are you planning to attend in-person, semi- programmed Meeting for Worship with a child/children this week? Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under in the nursery beginning at 10:30 a.m.. Because this age group is currently not eligible for the vaccine, we ask that families enter the building through the porch door (next to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall) and take their children directly to the nursery.
The capacity in the nursery is currently 7 people. We ask that those who intend to use childcare register in advance so that we can ensure there will be space. Please email me to register. Children 5 and older are invited to sit with their grown ups during Meeting for Worship. Activity packets and crayons will be made available.
Summer Adult Forum Series
This Summer we will use Quakerspeak videos and discussion questions to learn more about Quakerism. All are welcome.
Below you will find the tentative schedule, and video links for next Sunday. We will watch the videos together, but Friends may choose to watch them in advance or on their own.
26: Frequently Asked Questions About Quaker Worship / Why Quakers Worship in Silence / When to Speak
3: Glossary of Common Quaker Terms/What Is a Quaker Query?
10: Quakers and God/Quaker Prayer/Quaker Spaces
17: Committing to the Quaker Spiritual Path
24: Understanding Faith Through the Journal of George Fox
31: On Ministry and Eldering
7: Supporting Quaker Leadings
14: The Quaker Practice of Traveling with an Elder
21: What to Expect at a Quaker Wedding
28: Envisioning a Strong Future for Quakerism