Hello Friends!
There have been several changes at the meetinghouse. Have you noticed?
We were fortunate to have Middle and Upper school students from New Garden Friends School spend their service days with us last week and do some major heavy lifting. So if you haven’t already, come check out my new office in Room 109 (right next door to the old Religious Education office). The old RE office is in transition as I continue to get a few remaining items out, but will become a technology office. I think we can all agree that it’s about time our devoted tech crew had their own space! And I am really enjoying my new space too.
The “soft space” for families in the upstairs nursery is also coming along nicely! There is a comfy sectional, and a computer for joining Meeting for Worship via Zoom. We still need to get it hooked up to the internet, but are grateful to have it otherwise ready to go.
The Religious Education and Peace & Social Concerns bulletin boards are trading places too. The new RE bulletin board is to the left of room 109. The Peace & Social Concerns bulletin board is to the right of the new technology office. Both are still “under construction”, but Friends are encouraged to take a look at the RE bulletin board. There is a new calendar and a list of dates and events (including Fun Nights, Recognition Sunday, and Summer Program dates) posted.
It has been a hard couple of years, and a particularly difficult few months for us at NGFM. But there is also much for us to look forward to, including a game night and cookie bake on Friday, February 17, 5-7 p.m.! Mark your calendars, and check the newsletter and RE bulletin board for updates.
Meanwhile, if you have any joys, questions, concerns, or just want to say hello, email me at [email protected]
Children are Welcome in Meeting for Worship
All children are invited and encouraged to join us during Meeting for Worship. There is a blanket in the back corner of the meetingroom for children to sit on for Meeting for Wiggles. They are welcome to bring small, quiet toys to play with. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room.
Childcare is available beginning at 9:30 a.m. until the rise of Meeting for Worship.
Please email Karin Heller if you plan to use childcare to ensure coverage. [email protected]
Adult Forum– 9:45-10:45 a.m. (hybrid-parlor and Zoom)
This week we will engage in a spiritual deepening exercise focused on becoming patterns and examples. This exercise and others, may be found in the Spiritual Deepening Library on the FGC website, fgcquaker.org