Each year Quaker Earthcare Witness offers matching $500 grants to diverse Friends meetings, groups, churches, and organizations to support their community’s vision of caring for the Earth and each other through its Mini-Grants Program. Past funded projects have included butterfly and pollinator gardens, an ecological literacy program for kids, a bike-lending program, and an environmental justice internship for a Guilford College student of color. Now they’re trying to raise money to help fund future projects with a focus on promoting environmental justice and engaging youth. Please consider making a donation here or visit their website for more information.
Chapel Hill Friends Meeting Quaker Earthcare Witness group invites Friends to join us on Sunday October 17 at 4 p.m. via Zoom to discuss David Attenborough’s Netflix documentary, “Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet.” Please watch the film in advance and come with questions and responses and thoughts about how we each might address the climate crisis. Questions? To receive the Zoom link, please contact Alice Carlton, Chapel Hill Friends Meeting Quaker Earthcare Witness Clerk, at ([email protected])