An adult play date for NGFM playground is this coming Saturday, August 7th from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m
Donuts, popsicles, and pizza will be provided!
Recent discussions on Grounds, House, RE, MM and MM&C have identified the need to fix groundhog holes, fences and gates, dismantle unsafe structures, remove trash, fill sandbox, restore mulch ground cover, prune low branches, wash toys, relocate wasp nest, etc. Any and all material and labor contributions are welcome. Materials needed: sand, fencing, mulch (woodchips). Tools needed: shovels, steel rakes, sledge-hammers, wrecking bars, work gloves, pitch forks, pruning clippers, brooms, 5 gallon buckets, cleaning supplies, rags, and wheelbarrows. If you plan to attend, please contact:
Clint Corcoran, Clerk, Monthly Meeting, [email protected]
Andy Haile, [email protected]
Linda Maynard, Clerk, Grounds Committee [email protected]
Tom Saywer [email protected] Recruiting Committee