Pendle Hill Quaker Institute: Beloved Community as Prophetic Witness
Apr 28 – May 1, 2023
An on-campus conference for the gathering of Friends to learn about and practice the art of building beloved community as an act of prophetic witness.
Integrous Testifying: Body, Mind & Spirit
May 1, 2023
A First Monday Lecture with Niyonu Spann, exploring accessing and sharing the whole of who we are.
Pendle Hill Nature Walk
May 7, 2023
A walking exploration of the natural and social ecosystems of Pendle Hill’s campus with John Gruber and Lloyd Guindon
The Work that Reconnects
May 12-14, 2023
An on-campus workshop with Lynne Iser and Mordechai Liebling exploring the work of Joanna Macy.
Continuing Revolution 2023: Nurturing Experiments in Spiritually Grounded Abolition
Jun 2-6, 2023
Continuing Revolution is Pendle Hill’s annual conference for young adults (ages 18-35) on-campus and online via Zoom.