Anti-Racist Actions You Can Take Now:
Participate in the webinar, “New in Town: The Refugee Experience, Immigration in Guilford County Part 2,” from the Center for New North Carolinians, on Tuesday, March 16, 6 – 7 p.m. The United States is known for its diversity through immigration. But what does it take to be a part of a community in this country in 2021? Greensboro’s Center for New North Carolinians will help us all answer that question in three webinars examining the experiences of immigrants and refugees to our state.
In part 2, Natacha Nikokeza, Community Centers Senior Program Coordinator, talks about the refugee experience. This webinar is a free ZOOM event. To register for this event, go to:
In part 3, on March 30, Betsy Jenson, Immigration Services Director, addresses immigrant and refugee legal issues.