Walmart Layaway Payoff:
Every year NGFM anonymously pays off several families’ Christmas gift layaways. This year with so many people unemployed the need is greater than ever to help our neighbors buy Christmas gifts. Pastor Margaret will use her remaining discretionary funds to pay off layaways but please consider contributing so we can have an even greater impact. Donations can be made to NGFM and should be designated (in the memo line of the check, for example) ‘for Christmas layaways.” Donations must be received before December 8.
Spending Time with New Gardeners
Friends, I have been doing outside in-person visits with New Gardeners since the spring. However, with the increase of Covid-19 cases here in Greensboro and the potential for a surge due to holiday gatherings and travel, I will be temporarily halting in-person visiting. I continue to be available to all of you through email, Zoom, and phone calls. Please wear your masks, practice good social distancing, and limit your time indoors with others as much as possible. I am holding all of you in the Light!
With gratitude for New Garden Friends Meeting, Margaret Webb