North Carolina Fellowship of Friends will host an antiracism discussion group. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 27 at 7 p.m. when the NCFF antiracism discussion group will look at how the elements of our country’s racial caste system have appeared in Quaker history and in modern-day Quakerism. Kate Seel and CH Holcombe will be presenting the background material. For this discussion, if you have the book Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice by Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye, you may want to review Chapters 6 and 10. However, there is no expectation for anyone to read anything before joining the discussion. The Zoom link below will work for this meeting.
Topic: Zoom Meeting for NCFF’s Antiracism Discussions for Spring 2021
Time: Fourth Tuesday of the month (April 27 and May 25); 7:00 pm Meeting ID: 820 9754 5202 / Passcode: 296828 Find your local number: