PFYM Adult Young Friends (AYF) met in person in Saxapahaw, NC, on Morgan Siem’s land on July 10. We had 11 participants. Three of us showed up early to help pull some invasive weeds and support the native plants on Morgan’s land. Once all Friends arrived, we shared a meal and enjoyed fellowship. Some of us had only met on Zoom previously, and for many, it was the first time meeting each other in general. It was a joy to be together and many wonderful connections were made. We spent time worship sharing around what aspects of Quakerism nurtures us and it was special to hear the role that Quaker spirituality and community has played in everyone’s lives – some folks grew up Quaker and others are very new to attending meeting for worship.
We discussed the next steps for our group. There was unity that we would like to continue meeting in person, potentially quarterly with some zoom meetings in between, although probably not every month as many folks have a sense of being zoomed out. I was excited to see the sense that most of us didn’t want to leave even as we came close to the end of our time together. We are looking forward to our next in-person meeting potentially in October in Western NC – but still have logistics to figure out. Our next zoom meeting will be Sunday, September 12 on the CFM zoom at 7 p.m.
For questions and or to participate, reach out to Faith Josephs, ([email protected])