Here are the New Ideas Committee Update Reports;
- A committee to support the Friendship Community Partnership will be considered as a responsibility of Quaker Relations and be included in the ongoing evaluation of support for that committee.
- In support of animal welfare Peace and Social Concerns is planning a food collection activity when we have resumed use of the Meeting House.
- Religious Education will be considering the NY Prayer for Peace, information about other Peace Religions and the Kindness 101 program at an upcoming meeting.
- Tim Lindeman, Clerk is working on collecting and organizing records of the Meetings Policies and Procedures on behalf of the Meeting on Ministry and Council.
- Caring Friends has a method in place for advising the Meeting of deaths and other concerns via email rather than having to wait for the next Newsletter.
- Book studies have resumed under the care of Religious Education and Peace and Social Concerns.
- So far there has not been anyone interested in assisting on documenting the notable speakers that have used our Meeting House.
- House Committee will hold an “in person” discussion about the possibility of a picnic shelter later when such in person gatherings are considered safe.
- So far there has not been any action on considering updating the entrance and entryway for the Meeting room.
Charles Cameron Co-clerk New Ideas group