1:00 p.m. / virtual, via Zoom /
Opening Silence
Reading: “Spirit Voyaging” Dr. John Le Gay Brereton (1827-1886)
Consent Agenda
- Approval of Proposed Schedule of Monthly Meetings, July 2021-July 2022.
- Minute of Appreciation for former Clerks: Tim Lindeman, Clerk of Meeting; Jane Foy, Clerk of Ministry and Council; Jim Lancaster, Recording Clerk. For their leadership and service in seamlessly continuing the meeting’s operations during the current pandemic and supporting virtual and hybrid worship during a difficult time. Special thanks to Tim Lindeman for his four years of gracious and tireless service as Clerk, and Jane Foy for her thoroughness and unflagging attention to the community’s safety.
- Minute of Appreciation for Technical Support work: Roger Seel, Alan Spiewak, Tom Lassiter, Jim Lancaster, and Wiley Sykes. For volunteering to help set-up and run the technology necessary to host our virtual and hybrid outdoor meetings. These technologies include, but are not limited to, Zoom, Facebook, and the portable sound system. The Meeting also wishes to thank these individuals for physical and logistical help in setting-up the equipment outdoors and purchasing the equipment necessary to make these systems work together. This work was undertaken voluntarily without the support of a committee structure.
- Minute of Appreciation for Covid Medical Advisory Group: Jennifer Schaal, Jane Foy, Kathleen Rice, Ron Pudlo, Maria Ibara-Wong, Francis Wong, and Fred Wilson. The meeting is deeply grateful for the expertise, hard work, and careful guidance that the Covid Medical Advisory Group has provided Meeting during the pandemic. We are especially grateful for their willingness to meet frequently on short notice and draft timely and thoughtful Covid protocols. The Meeting is fortunate to have their expertise. Special thanks to Jane Foy, Jennifer Schaal and Kathleen Rice for being liaisons between Ministry and Council and the Covid Medical Advisory Group.
- Approval of June Minutes (please send non-substantive corrections directly to the recording clerk, [email protected]
Reports from Committees
- Ministry and Council
- Minister’s report
- RE Committee
- RE Coordinator report
- Revised Nominating Committee Report (Marcy Maury)
- Peace and Social Concerns
- Covid Advisory Group / Building use protocols
- Stewardship and Finance
New Business
- Request to reinstate invitation for Hosting the meeting of the Friends World Committee for Consultation Executive Committee this October.
- Possible dates in order of FWCC’s preference:
- October 13-17
- October 20-24
- October 27-31
- October 6-10
- Possible Formation of Digital Communications Committee
- Possible Formation of Gift Committee
- Uses of Norville Hall
- AFSC and Covid Building Use Protocols
- Deborah Seuss Contract
- First Friends seeking new Pastoral Minister
- Faith Leaders Letter to Congress (NC Interfaith Power & Light)
Closing Silence