We recognize the great value (and necessity!) of interpersonal connections during the pandemic. Therefore, while following the recommendations of our COVID-19 Medical Advisory Group not to sponsor in-person activities, we will continue our efforts to enhance connections in other ways: virtual meetings for worship; virtual committee meetings and Religious Education activities; and virtual ministry with some cautious exceptions, to be made by Pastor Margaret and Caring Friends in accordance with protocols the COVID-19 Medical Advisory Group has developed to protect their safety and that of other New Gardeners. We also encourage experiments in new forms of virtual connection, such as Friend to Friend—a series of 4-5 weekly conversations with prompts between 2 households, by phone or an electronic platform of their choice. The next series will begin in mid to late October, 2020.
Look for more information in next week’s newsletter. Other ideas for enhancing safe connections are under consideration by Meeting for Ministry & Council; please suggest your own by contacting Janie Foy, Clerk, c/o [email protected].