Recently High Point Friends School experienced the unexpected passing of their much beloved colleague and friend, Diane Osterholt. Here is a message from Interim Head of School, Heather Hayton;
“We have set up a gofundme page for Diane’s family; please contribute if you can. Kelsey Cates, a parent of 3 children at HPFS, continues in the front-office position through the end of the academic year. If all goes well, we will offer her the position for next year. We are using subs for Brittany Osterholt’s assistant teacher spot in the 4yr old classroom through the end of May.”
A Celebration of Life for Diane will be held on Saturday, April 22, at 11AM, in the amphitheater of the High Point Friends School campus. In case of rain, the service will be held in the Kingrey Center.