Clearly this year will be different. But we can still enjoy some virtual fun and fellowship! Activities will be scheduled for an hour (or less, depending on what the activity is) throughout the day beginning at 10 a.m. Once all activities have been scheduled, Zoom links will be created for each.

Because we are doing a simplified version of Simple Christmas, activities will also need to be kept relatively simple and not require many supplies. However, Friends who do choose to lead crafts or activities that require  additional materials would leave those materials on the benches outside the meetinghouse for pickup in advance.

*We will share the schedule as soon as it solidifies, along with any additional information regarding supplies, etc. Links will be sent out with the Religious Education Updates on Friday, December 11. Friends can then join each activity as they feel led. If you would like more information, or are interested in leading an activity, please contact Karin Heller. [email protected]