Call Sen. Burr & Tillis’ office this Friday, October 15 and ask the Senators to co-sponsor or publicly endorse S.J. Res 10 to repeal the 2002 Iraq Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF)! The phone numbers are: Burr – 202-224-3154; Tillis – 202-224-6342 Can’t call? Submit an email here.
Friends across N.C. will be calling both of these offices on Friday. Friends, through Friends Committee on National Legislation advocacy efforts, have been lobbying for years to end-endless wars including repealing both war authorizations passed after 9/11. With the withdrawal from Afghanistan, there is renewed, bipartisan support to finally repeal the 2002 Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF). Friends Committee on National Legislation’s expert lobbyists believe that both Tillis & Burr are posed to join the effort. Find out more at:
Suggested script:
- I am [name], I am a resident of [town/city]. Tomorrow, October 16 marks the 19th anniversary that congress passed the 2002 Iraq Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF). I urge the Senator to co-sponsor and publicly support S. J. Res 10 repealing the 2002 (Iraq) AUMF as a first step toward Congress reasserting its constitutional authority over when and if the United States goes to war. [why does repealing the AUMF matter to you] Ex – As a Quaker, I oppose all war. As a matter of public policy, I believe Congress must debate and vote before the president commits our military to lethal action and should regularly evaluate and vote on whether to continue ongoing U.S. wars. The 2002 AUMF is no longer needed and creates the potential for additional abuse by the executive branch. I hope the Senator will consider joining this bi-partisan effort to repeal it.