Friends World Committee for Consultation will hold its Executive Committee Meeting at New Garden Friends Meeting (October 13-17). New Garden meeting was to host this meeting in the fall of 2020, but the in-person meeting was cancelled due to the virus. The committee is composed of approximately 16 members. These members will need housing, meals, and transportation during their stay. Customarily, host families provide breakfast and transportation to and from the Meetinghouse.
Given Covid restrictions at the Meetinghouse, we may also need to provide attendees with carry-in lunches and/or dinners or make alternative meal plans consistent with our protocols. If the Covid numbers increase, both parties recognize that there is a possibility the meeting will be put off once again.
If you would like to host a member(s) of FWCC contact: Clint Corcoran, Clerk of Monthly Meeting at 336-854-9577 or ([email protected]). If we need additional hosts, we will extend this housing invitation to First Friends and Friendship Friends Meeting in approximately two weeks.
About World Office of FWCC:
- Mission: Answering God’s call to universal love, FWCC brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communications, and consultation, to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world. (approved 2006)
- History: In 1937, after years of concerted work to reconnect a fragmented Quaker world, the Second World Conference of Friends created FWCC “to act in a consultative capacity to promote better understanding among Friends the world over.” This was influenced by active young Friends organizing gatherings and expressing the need to work together. Today, Friends from yearly meetings and groups in at least 87 countries continue the work of coming together. Around the world there are four cooperating, autonomous FWCC Sections serving Africa, the Americas, Asia & the West Pacific, and Europe & the Middle East. FWCC’s World Office is in London.”
On Tuesday, July 13, representatives of New England Yearly Meeting, Friends World Committee for Consultation–Section of the Americas, Friends Committee on National Legislation, and FUM met to discern how the global community of Friends can best support Cuban Friends.
- We ask Friends to pray for Cuban Friends. Pray that Cuban Friends will experience God’s strengthening love and courage during this time of trial.
- Friends United Meeting is preparing to send support to Cuban Friends through our Covid-19 Solidarity Fund. We are investigating several legal avenues for distribution. Contributions to this fund will go to support the ministries of Cuba Yearly Meeting. Friends can mail checks to the FUM office or give online at
- We encourage [U.S.] Friends to reach out to their members of Congress, urging them to lift restrictions against humanitarian and medical support for Cuba.