Childcare on Sunday Morning
Are you planning to attend in-person Zoom in the Meetingroom with a child/children this week? Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under in the nursery beginning at 10:30 a.m.. Because this age group is currently not eligible for the vaccine, we ask that families enter the building through the porch door (next to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall) and take their children directly to the nursery.
The capacity in the nursery is currently 7 people. We ask that those who intend to use childcare register in advance so that we can ensure there will be space. Please email me to register. Children 5 and older are invited to sit with their grown ups during Meeting for Worship. Activity packets and crayons will be made available.
Young Friends
Do you know any youth in grades 5-12 who might like to participate in Young Friends? If so, we would love to have them join us for a preliminary meeting next Sunday, April 3rd at 3:30 p.m.. This will not necessarily be our permanent meeting time. Email Karin Heller with questions.
Adult Forum
April 3: Last Sunday during Adult Forum, CH Holcombe and the Anti-racism Committee facilitated a discussion focused on Vanessa Julye’s Epilogue from the book, “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice”. This discussion was meant, in part, as preparation for Adult Forum next Sunday, April 3rd, when Friends will take a virtual tour of the Meetinghouse with this material in mind. If you missed forum this week, but plan to attend next week, email Karin for a copy of the document that was shared and discussed. Note: Friends are reminded that Adult Forum will continue to take place on Zoom until further notice. Links are included in Religious Education Updates. Email Karin Heller if you would like to receive them.