To: Friends of FCNCL / Friends, we are seeking help from you in filling two positions. We hope that some of you are able to step forward or that you might recommend someone from your meeting who would be interested in filling one of these positions.
- Treasurer: We seek a Friend who is committed to the work of FCNCL and who has skills and experience in electronic banking and in the use of spreadsheets to manage the accounting process. This person may begin now as Assistant Treasurer and move into the Treasurer’s position later this year. Serving in these positions includes membership on the FCNCL Executive Committee. Interested Friends should contact one of the co-clerks of the Nominating Committee; Marian Beane, Dorothy Mason.
- Communications Committee Member: We seek a Friend who is committed to the work of FCNCL and who has skills and experience in using social media — Facebook and perhaps others. That person could begin participating on the Communications Committee as soon as they have been approved by the Executive Committee. Interested Friends should contact one of the co-clerks of the Nominating Committee; Marian Beane, Dorothy Mason.