The Finance and Stewardship Committee would like to thank the New Garden Friends Meeting community for the continued financial support of the Meeting. Contributions from Meeting members and attenders, are our primary source of revenue. Your contributions allow us to offer virtual and in-person Meeting for Worship, Young Friends Programming, Adult Forum, Brotherhood Class, Meetinghouse upkeep, funding for community organizations through Peace and Social concerns and so much more.
As we look to 2022, this month we are gathering information from committees about their priorities and expected expenses to allow Finance and Stewardship to continue to make informed decisions as we move toward recommending a 2022 budget to Monthly Meeting. The Finance and Stewardship Committee is planning more regular communications to update our community on where our finances stand and how our money is being spent. As always, please feel free to reach out to a committee member with any questions.
Ashley Raper, On behalf of the Finance and Stewardship Committee