Please join the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at Guilford College to create sacred spaces for all. Communities without Borders: Creating Sacred Spaces through Storytelling Project is an art installation aimed to tell stories and honor the lives of over 400,000 children, women, men and all community members who are currently detained in over 200 immigrant detention centers in the USA. This project is a response to the historical atrocities committed against DACA recipients, undocumented people who have been living in the USA for many years as well survivors of domestic violence, torture, asylum seekers including children, LGBTQ+,
women and all individuals from Palestine, Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Mauritania, Angola, Burundi, Niger and Sudan and other countries. The project involves installation of traditional clothes representing people’s countries of origins who are separated from their families and disconnected to this land. With the help of community member donating the clothes of the family members, the project seeks to tell stories of people, who are missing and murdered in our profane community spaces.
Please kindly consider donating gently used traditional clothes of any size or style worn by a baby, child, youth, parent, or adults. We also looking for wooden hangers and/or fishing line for the project. Please mail to the below mentioned address or drop it off at the mailing room in the Founders Hall (first floor) at Guilford College. We plan to launch the installation in the fall and provide an opportunity to learn about critical issues pertaining to immigration. Join us in bringing change in immigration and supporting the
Best wishes,
Zulfiya Tursunova
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Peace and Conflict Studies
Guilford College
5800 West Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 336 316 21416