A personal survey for Quakers offered by CH Holcombe: Anti-racism Survey Question for Quakers.
What are you doing in your daily life that addresses/shows awareness of antiracism?
- ____ learn by reading books and articles
- ____ learn by watching movies or other media
- ____ learn by taking classes
- ____ shop at businesses owned by People of Color
- ____ volunteer with organizations helping People of Color
- ____ contribute money to organizations to help people of color (ex. United Negro College Fund; American Indian College Fund)
- ____ visit churches/libraries/ recreational centers that serve Black neighborhoods
- ____ join NAACP or other Black-led organization
- ____ write letters to the Editor, newspaper
- ____ speak or write to City Council, County Commissioners
- ____ make friends with People of Color
- ____ invite People of Color to your worship or other Meeting event
- ____ Others: (please list briefly) ________________________________________________________________________________