From Robin DiAngelo in Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm; “Because white people are not socialized to see ourselves in racial terms, we often assume that our experiences and perspectives are the same as BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Color] people’s. . . because I believe that my race does not inform how I experience the world, I don’t see how theirs could either. If I feel comfortable in my overwhelmingly white [or Quaker] workplace [or place of worship], so will they.” (p. 75; brackets added by KHS)
Being at the predominantly white and Quaker founded Guilford College (as a student and later a Quaker staff member) was exceedingly comfortable for me, and I assumed it was for everyone there. It was a Latinx student who first explained to me that this comfort was not shared by those whose experiences and perspectives were significantly different from mine. That was a truly helpful insight I reflect upon often. We at New Garden have just completed an exercise in attempting to see our meetinghouse through the eyes of visitors (some who could be people of color). It is difficult to do this, but I think it’s an important step toward our goal of becoming anti-racist. The results of the exercise are being evaluated, and the Antiracism Group will be sharing what New Gardeners saw and felt soon. I trust all will benefit from viewing our beloved building through new lenses. – KHS ([email protected])