Our work to welcome our new Afghan neighbors continues steadily; we’ve secured an apartment, have it nearly ready to furnish, and expect to hear something soon about their arrival.
What we know about the family that we’re co-sponsoring with African Services Coalition: They’re a family of five, with dad, age 39, mom, age 37, daughter, age 13, and sons ages 11 and 6. They speak Dari. That’s it right now.
The other thing that we know is that they are not officially classified as refugees, and as such, qualify for very little assistance through public resources – no food stamps or Medicaid benefits, and only a little more than $1,200 per person in one-time cash assistance. It will literally take an act of Congress to change their status.
And we have just about depleted our funds at New Garden in getting the apartment rented and set up. The most pressing need that we have to help this family resettle is cash donations. You may want to talk with friends and family who may be interested in helping about the need for financial donations. Please make donations to New Garden Friends Meeting, and put a note in the memo of the check that this is for the refugee family.
Also! We need additional able-bodied folks to help this Thursday, Friday and maybe this weekend move furniture and help set-up the apartment. Please contact Lizzie Biddle with any questions. Thank you.