Local author, Dr. Linda Beatrice Brown will join us to share about her recent project, “Poems for Peace”. She will give background as to how these poems came to be and read several of the poems in the same way she might at a formal poetry reading. Linda will also explain her intention with each poem. There will be time for questions and discussion at the end.
Dr. Linda Beatrice Brown is the author of three novels and numerous poems, plays, short stories and essays. Her latest novel, Black Angels, a novel for young people, is set during the Civil War. A retired professor of African American Literature, Linda graduated from Bennett College in 1961 where she took part in the sit-ins. Her book, Belles of Liberty, published in 2013, grew out of her life long decision to speak out for justice and equality
She has written for such publications as The Black Scholar, Religion and Intellectual Life, and 27 Views of Greensboro. Linda’s latest book is a collection of poems, entitled, A Mother Knows Her Child, focused on the Mother of Jesus. The book was also published as a CD in 2015. A second collection, Something of His Mother to Remember, was published in 2016. Linda has led numerous workshops with a spiritual focus in locations including at the Healing Ground in Summerfield, NC., and St. Francis Prayer Center in Stoneville. NC. She is currently on the faculty at The School at Space for Conscious Living. She has been a member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church for over twenty-five years. For more about Linda consult her website at www.lindabeatricebrownauthor.com.
November 22: Cathie Holcombe/One City, One Book November 29: Thanksgiving weekend/Open Forum
For more information, or if you would like to receive links, please contact Karin Heller. [email protected]