WVAR (White Voices Against Racism) is proud to announce the 2022 Journey to Justice . WVAR will lead an exploration of the book, “We Cry Justice,” with church groups and individuals who want to read the Bible along with the Poor Peoples’ Campaign and learn what the Bible says about social justice. There will be weekly/monthly self-guided reading, reflection and learning with your church group or individually, through Zoom, Facebook or in person…you decide! A flyer is attached which outlines the plan.
Several Friends at New Garden have expressed an interest in participating in this journey and are planning to Zoom Thursdays at 7 p.m. for weekly reflection and learning as we share what strikes us in the readings. (You do not need to feel obligated to attend all sessions.) Our next session will be Thursday, March 24 when we will reflect on Parts I and II of “We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible with the Poor People’s Campaign”. This is another opportunity to further our goal of becoming a more anti racist community. See the attachment to the newsletter for more information regarding this city wide study and how New Gardeners will participate.
If you have questions, contact Sara White or Cathy Hamilton for the link.
— Submitted by Sara White