Pre-Gathering Events
The 2019 Gathering “Peace in Our Hearts, Justice in the World” in Grinnell, Iowa is planned for June 30 – July 6, but did you know there are also events organized for the days before the Gathering begins?
Retreat for People of Color and their Families:
An opportunity for People of Color and multiracial families to come together to share their Quaker experience and create a supportive community in preparation for and throughout the Gathering (Friday-Sunday). Open only to Friends staying for the Gathering as full-time or half-time Gathering registrants.
Quakers & Business Conference:
Healing Our World Using Spiritual Practices in Business at the Q&B conference. We will share stories, network and learn how business owners, employees and non-profit leaders (historical / modern) are using spirit-led business practices as a force for good in the world (Friday-Sunday). Open to Gathering registrants and also those not staying for the Gathering.
Adult Young Friends Retreat:
Adult Young Friends (age 18-35) will hold a one-day retreat to continue building our community. This year the AYF Retreat will be a day of self-reflection and skill-building around race and white supremacy. Two outside facilitators will guide AYFs in examining how systemic racism has shaped our lives and communities, and provide guidance for how AYFs can continue their individual anti-racism work (Friday-Sunday). Friday night of the retreat is optional; all participants are expected to be at the retreat beginning Saturday morning. Drop-in participation is possible for the AYF retreat only, and drop-ins will be charged the retreat fee. The retreat is scheduled to close Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m.) Open only to Friends staying for the Gathering as full time or half-Gathering registrants. Gathering registrants may add Pre-Gathering events to their registrations through June 10. New registrants may not register for a Pre-Gathering event after June 22. Drop-in participation is possible for the AYF retreat only, and drop-ins will be charged the retreat fee.
For all information on Pre-Gathering Events and Children (youth age 18 and under) at\ connect/gathering/programs-and-events/pre-gathering/children. For more details, visit and click on the title of the pre-gathering event you are interested in.
If you would like to attend, there is financial assistance available through the Blaylock Fund which encourages interaction with other Quaker organizations. Applications go through the Quaker Relations Committee, Mary Luckhaus, Clerk.