Come and See

No matter where you are
on your spiritual journey,
you’ll find Friends at
New Garden to be caring, inquisitive, and engaged
in the community.
(And beyond!)

Those who seek “that of God”
in every person will find themselves “among Friends”
at New Garden.

Curious about what that means?

We’d love to have you visit
and find out.

Our Sunday Services

9-9:45 a.m. Unprogrammed
Meeting for Worship

This is a traditional Friends meeting that would be familiar to George Fox, founder of the Religious Society of Friends in the 17th century.

Friends gather in silence, a period of expectant waiting. When a Friend is led by the Inward Spirit to share a message, others listen and reflect, pausing between messages. Sometimes the most meaningful Meetings are those when the silence remains unbroken.

11 a.m. Semi-programmed
Meeting for Worship

The first half of this service incorporates music and a prepared message (sermon), often by the pastoral minster. It will seem rather familiar to people from other Christian traditions. The second half is silent, waiting worship. Quakers believe that we are all ministers; anyone so led may share a message out of the silence.

Our Calendar

Join us! Life is always better in community.