Brotherhood Room / 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Starting May 20, the Social Concerns committee invites adults to bring a bag lunch and join us monthly – every third Sunday – for a discussion series on the Quaker testimony of Equality.
Let’s meet in the Brotherhood Room with our sandwiches right after worship, and watch a movie (or read a short article) on an aspect of equality (race, sex, gender, religion, class, for example) and finish with a discussion.
The May movie is “White Man’s Burden,” a 1995 film starring Harry Belafonte and John Travolta. It’s about how life would be if the order of American society were flipped, with African Americans in the role of social elites and whites relegated to lesser roles. The film is recommended for mature audiences.
Other dates in the series are June 17, July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18, and December 16.
The purpose of Lunch and Learn is to provide education on today’s equality issues with current media, and have a casual discussion with like-minded people, helping each other find ways of living with more understanding. Adult friends who do not attend New Garden Friends Meeting also are welcome.
For more information: CH Holcombe (336) 288-7555 ([email protected])