Brotherhood Room / 12:15 – 2:30 p.m.
The answer: EQUALITY, one of our Quaker Testimonies. Join us to learn more at The Social Concerns LUNCH AND LEARN series, on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Bring a bag lunch. On June 17, the program will be a short movie called WE THE PEOPLE: Conversations On Being American, narrated by Danny Glover. This is a conversation between a group of different races, religions, gay & straight, teachers, activists, artists, ministers, and more on their sometimes painful experiences of being American and their hopes for creating a more perfect union. We will eat lunches while watching movie, followed by discussion.
Next month’s program on July 15 will be an articles by James Mulholland (recommended by Phil Gulley), beginning with “How to Tell if a Person is Racist by One Simple Question.” (Copies of this document will be distributed at 6/17 LUNCH AND LEARN.)
Questions: C.H. Holcombe (336-288-7555)